Jeremy who?… Lin-sanity!



He is… Jeremy Lin!

未講他的身世前,先講他的威水史。星期五晚他終於人生中第3次代表 New York Knicks 在 NBA 正選上陣,3仗下來的總得分是NBA有史以來職業生涯首3場先發得分最高的球員 (The Most Points In Anyone’s First Three NBA Starts ),即是勁過 Kobe 和 Jordan!自從他「爆」出來後,4仗以來每一次都上 ESPN (美國其中一個最多人讀的體育網站) 的頭條,昨日對 LA Lakers 的比賽更獨取38分,比 Kobe 的34分還要多!如果你有留意的話,這個星期 facebook 上應該有很多很多關於他的 post & video。

J Lin 從 Harvard 畢業後 (我成日話係 Harvard 真係讀屎片都可以出來搵到份好工),去年平平無奇地入了 NBA 打波,一直都沒有發揮的機會。他司職控球後衛,今年受 NY Knicks 招手都只是因為他們的第一、二、三選控球後衛不是受傷就是無態,球隊請他返來本來都只是在板凳尾尾坐,有點朝不保晚 feel,在他成命之前一晚甚至「兜茂」到無地方瞓,要瞓隊友的沙發。New York 作為美國的最大城市,大家當然對它的 NBA 隊有所期望。可惜這十年八年粉絲們都是失望而回,直情去到有點兒絕望的境地!今年球隊雖然簽了兩個 superstar:Anthony 和 Stoudemire,但都是打得差到連教練阿  Mike 都無眼睇!在對自己球隊極度不滿和帶點絕望之際,Mike 教練在2月4日對 New Jersey Nets 的比賽中就叫 J Lin 出場試試啦… 點知唔出場由自可,一出場就無啦啦拿下25分7個助攻,我估阿 Mike 見到都啞咗!


At some point in this frantic and peculiar season, a less likely, less expected story may arise from the chaos. But it will be difficult to beat a night when an undrafted prospect from Harvard took over Madison Square Garden, outshined three of the N.B.A.’s biggest stars and ignited an instant love affair with New York.

It happened Saturday night, although even the 17,763 in attendance might still doubt what they saw.

Jeremy Lin, whose unusual résumé is more well known than his game, emerged as the Knicks’ momentary savior, packing the box score with career highs and leading his team to a stress-relieving 99-92 victory over the Nets.

New York Knicks guard Jeremy Lin, right, goes up with a shot past New Jersey Nets guard Deron Williams during the second quarter of an NBA basketball game on Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012, at Madison Square Garden in New York. (AP Photo/Bill Kostroun)



誰不知這只是故事的開始,2日後對 Utah Jazz 的比賽,Stoudemire 因家事缺席,Anthony 又打了6分鐘就「拗柴」收了皮。在「蜀中無大將」之下,J Lin 又再發揮他的小宇宙,獨取28分8個助攻,又帶領球隊贏波!全世界突然醒覺「呢條乜水?」一陣 Linsanity 就開始直捲全球的籃球迷!


Amar’e Stoudemire was out, Carmelo Anthony left with a groin injury and Tyson Chandler was ineffective. The Knicks were fine without their big three, of course, because they still had the “big one”: Jeremy Lin.

Lin, who somehow ascended from last player on the bench to starting point guard in the span of a weekend, scored 28 on Monday night to lead the Knicks past the Utah Jazz 99-88.

New York Knicks' Jeremy Lin (17) shoots over Utah Jazz's Al Jefferson during the first half of an NBA basketball game Monday, Feb. 6, 2012, in New York. (AP Photo/Kathy Kmonicek)



當然,J Lin 可以一下子紅爆可算是有盡天時、地利、人和,認真是時也名也!要知道 J Lin 不像姚明一般,一入 NBA 就是 first pick — 大家是預期他有料到。在此之前大家真的只當 J Lin 是「阿茂」。就當廣大球迷對 New York Knicks 這隊滿懷歷史和驕傲的隊伍接近心死之際,在 New York City 這全美國最充滿話題性的城市當中,毫無先兆之下突然見到一個唔知乜水爆出來帶領著大家贏波,還要是發生在 NBA 屬少數民族的一名 Asian 身上,當然就成了最爆的新聞啦!在球場上,除了技驚四座的得分能力外,最教球迷振奮的是他的打法竟然可以將一隊散沙突然打出個隊形出來,還打出個4連勝!球迷們看著球賽都很期望看到 J Lin 的下一個靚剷籃或者靚助攻,亦期待這個有如大衛決戰哥利亞的神奇故事會繼續延續下去。在球場外,陰謀論地說,NBA (or New York Knicks) 捧紅一個中國「球星」可以賣多多少件波衫?賣多幾多場比賽的直 / 轉播權?J Lin 的商業價值可以是無限大!

究竟 J Lin 的路會走到幾遠?真係好難講。但我們這班中國人籃球迷 ,都已經感到相當雀躍!在姚明提早因傷退役的陰影後,真是既高興又驚喜這麼快就可以在 NBA 中找到另一個中國人代表!

加油,Linsanity!!!Let the Magic continue!


Lin’s Spin Move – New York’s Jeremy Lin spins into the lane and somehow gets the incredible layup to go.


PS:這篇 blog 我是星期六寫的,點知星期日 J Lin 就已經連蘋果 A1 都上埋!

Jeremy Lin 上埋蘋果 A1!

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